Invited speakers
Sustainable Recovery and Valorization of Polyphenols
Centro Congressi Federico II Via Partenope
Naples, 8-10 October 2025
The Workshop on Sustainable Recovery and Valorization of Polypehnols (SusChem ’25) will be held in the beautiful setting of the Naples seafront from 8 to 10 October 2025.
The programme will include six plenary lectures by leading international scientists and oral and poster communications from all the participants.
The workshop is organized by the University of Naples Federico II and the Italian Chemical Society-Campania section, in the frame of a collaborative project with the PhD schools of Campania region and the partners of the NRRP-funded project "Chlorinaction".
The workshop aims at disseminating scientific and technological advances in the field of sustainability and circular economy with a special focus on the methodologies for recovery of polyphenols from agri-food wastes, their valorization and applications. Target participants are Ph. D. or graduate students in Chemistry and chemistry-related subjects and young researchers from both academia and industry.
We look forward to welcoming you in Naples city center next October!
Prof. Alessandra Napolitano
Prof. Lucia Panzella
Workshop chairs
University of Naples Federico II